This is a hail mary pass to my family and friends. The title is vague due to censorship.
The Bible says casting your pearls to just anyone will get you trampled to death. But I feel led to try to warn one more time because they are now coming after the children hard.
Greater love has no one than this, that one should lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
Topic: The Vaccine, Coronavirus, etc
They do not want you thinking for yourself. They do not think you are smart enough. See the link to a Forbes article below "You Must Not 'Do Your Own Research' When It Comes To Science":
I digress.
Just had to get that out of the way. On to the topic at hand.
Please don't give in to pressure before you have prayed about it and read things for yourself from both sides. Only one side is getting the most media coverage.
Professionals and individuals that are voicing their concerns on the vaccine are getting gaslit and character assassinated. I'm not talking about the world infamous "conspiracy" ones they put out as our "heroes". I'm talking about your every day professional without a bunch of followers or trying to lead you to a rebellion or something.
Any professional that tells me matter-of-factly to my face that the vaccine is safe for all, is lying to me. With all due respect.
There is no way anyone knows that yet. I could really stop there...but if I'm going for it, might as well let her rip and be honest.
Have you listened to any of the ACIP/NVAC/or any other the other acronym agencies meetings for yourself?? They are appalling.
We are the data they'll use to fill out their package inserts for the side effects (those package inserts are blank right now because they DO NOT have data yet). I don't even know the point of putting the massive package insert in there while it's still empty. Maybe just to stir up the hornets nest. I don't know. I digress.

This is the first time this technology has been used on humans (that the general public is aware of).
Long term data will not be available until it's been used LONG TERM.
There's barely any short term data, folks!
Even when they do come out with their long term data, I honestly don't trust a bunch of people that think the world is too crowded and we should have population control (bunch of eugenicists run this world, btw).
Yes, God is in control. I have no doubt.
So don't pull that card, please. Instead, pull out the Bible and find every verse that warns us to not be deceived.
And anyone that says it's safe for pregnant women - how can they say that? The vaccines haven't even been used long enough to determine that.

These people are not liable for any injury or have no one to sue if things go south for you or anyone in your family. It's been that way since 1986 with all vaccines.
Also, see line 13.1 on just about any vaccine package insert. They still don't have that data. Line 13.1 has been around for YEARS. If they ever change this, it's a very recent change. But as of now, this is what it says on most inserts or something along these lines. See picture example.
They say you need to root your choices in facts from reputable sources....who are those reputable sources? Who is not bought? Who do you put your trust in?
People have been living their lives fairly normally for MONTHS. Or at least we have in my area. Now all of a sudden, all the new variants are coming out? And now children are at risk and dying? What's really going on? (Rhetorical question)
(See the date of when I made this post so you understand the timeline.)
The FDA knew about some possible side effects last year and still push for every man, woman, and child to get this vaccine.
This is a screen shot from October 2020. Why aren't they telling people of this? Where is the informed consent?
Click the picture for an eye-opening link.

I reflect on a time that my husband and I had the flu at the same time years ago. We were in bed CONVINCED we were dying. Couldn't breathe. Our bodies couldn't move. We had no strength. We were so sick. Our girls were little and taking care of us. They fended for themselves for 4 or 5 days. It was a hot mess. It took a while to recover from that mess.
I imagine if that flu would have happened in March - May 2020 and what effect it would have had on our healing process seeing the images of people dropping dead in the street in China of a respiratory bug on TV in early 2020.
Seeing article after article of death and destruction in our social media feed and on television...while my husband and I laid there thinking we were knocking on death's door...How would that have affected our healing? Would we have went to the ER? I pray we would have had sound mind and been led by God. But that was then and I honestly don't know - but I do wonder.
Plausible scenario: Maybe we would have went to the hospital and gotten pumped full of convalescent plasma, Remdesivir, monoclonal antibodies, or whatever cocktail that particular ER doc would swear was the best treatment. Who really knows what all of this is doing to people.
Every doctor has different opinions on treatment, what works, what doesn't work, etc.
Then we also have people being treated by "protocol" using the above mentioned treatments. I for one would rather not be treated with a protocol but as a unique human being with unique needs.
No one really is speaking on what treatments people are getting and how it may be adversely affecting people. Maybe even causing some of the long-haul symptoms?
I felt like people were ALL pushed to take SOMETHING even if they were only minorly sick. You had the "woke" crowd pushing their pharma and the government pushing their "protocols". I just don't think medicine is one size fits all.
Out of all the traumatic articles and posts I'm seeing, seems important details are being left out. What treatments were and were NOT successful? If the public knew these things, maybe we could make better decisions for ourselves by putting our heads together instead of showing up to the hospital and saying "yes" to this, "yes" to that and becoming part of the "protocol". Just thinking out loud here.
All these low oxygen you think if in the past we would have been measuring everyone's O2 when they've had severe pneumonia, bronchitis, massive sinus infections, etc we would have found that our O2 sats were low?
These scary headlines just keep telling us people are dead. But I want more information. What was the progression that led to the death in detail?
What was the treatment? How, when, where, how much, etc.
For example, they were raving about how incredibly well my mother's heart, liver, and kidneys were doing and maybe two days later, she was in kidney failure and not outputting any urine. How did 'covid pneumonia' cause that? (Update in the comments on that). Are some of the treatments causing more harm than good?
Where was everyone at when people were dying of the flu in very high numbers? Where was the concern for those people?
From this point on, before you go out and do anything, ask yourself:
"Would I be doing this during a deadly worldwide pandemic?"
They sure had/have folks doing some nonsensical things. Things that defy logic.
I know many doctors and nurses that are speaking out because enough is ENOUGH. Many of them are walking away from their careers because they won't take part in it any longer. Mostly nurses...but there are a few doctors risking it all, too.
There is a profit to be made in all this. That is a fact. And a profit HAS been made in all of this. Anyone that tells you otherwise is a liar. Question: Have flu and pneumonia been rebranded? Like they rebranded polio to Guillain Barre or transverse myelitis? I know people are getting sick. I see it firsthand. So I'm NOT saying people aren't getting sick. I am asking questions as we all should.
Before anyone comes at me, my Papa had polio and my Momma and step-dad died in a COVID ICU. I have not pulled those cards out yet....but I just did. Because everyone's perspective is different and NO ONE is going to tell me I don't know what it's like to watch a loved one die. I truly feel for what everyone is being put through.
It's trauma based mind control.
We are being traumatized into submission. All of us. No one is immune to it. I prayed/pray to God to not fall victim to it.
I'm not sure everyone realizes this is so much deeper than we think. This ends when more people say NO. Enough is enough. Start asking questions. Stop being scared. God did not give us a spirit of fear!
Next time you want to pull out the polio card, research polyomavirus simian virus 40 and The Cutter Incident and get back with me! I am losing patience, Lord forgive me. People are dying and my heart just aches for everyone!
People who claim to believe the Bible: How do you think a beast system works and rises? Like the Left Behind movies??? 👀 In a step by step, obvious way?
Or maybe in a more deceptive not so obvious way?
Deception can be layered and has to be peeled back like an onion so often!
Where are the watchmen? Where are the elders of the church? They want to inject the entire world for a virus that kills less than one percent of the population? No red flags being raised here? The world population is unchanged according to the data as of me writing this.
If there was a legitimate world-wide pandemic, wouldn't those numbers be affected?
Also, you wouldn't have to convince the public of a pandemic through celebrity endorsement if it were legitimate! You wouldn't have to bribe, coerce, and threaten people to get an experimental vaccine.
They have more pandemics planned, per their practice scenarios. God have mercy. I'm not going to keep posting or writing about every single one, either. I'm telling you things here that can get you started for yourself trying to discern what's what.
And before anyone says I do not have a heart for the 1%, what about my friend's son who nearly died after getting the vaccine?

I mentioned up there about "the people that think the world is too crowded and that we should have population control and that a bunch of eugenicists run this world".
Let that sink in. Seems they believe there are too many of us.
How many more people have to die before the watchmen rise up? Not to cause a rebellion - because they'd LOVE that so they can blame folks for the chaos they created....I'm saying all people have to do is say 'no' to something. Anything. Start somewhere.
Why would folks trust these people over their God-given senses when they walk out the front door? Just trying to make people think!
Something bigger than any of us can think of is happening right in plain sight.
I don't have all the answers, but I'm darn sure sharing what I can see with my own two eyes and hear with my own two ears. Praise God for my eyes and ears. Thank You Jesus.
I love you. I darn sure wouldn't be putting myself out there like this if I didn't. Please know that.
If you refuse to participate in this experiment on the human race as a whole, life may not be easy for you. They are making that very clear. Not easy AT ALL. You may have to say permanent goodbyes to family and friends that are out of the country.
You may lose your job. Friends and family may want nothing to do with you.
Normal life might be out of the question. No college.
If you are covered by the Almighty, His will be done. Period. If He doesn't want any of that to happen to you, it won't. If it does happen to you, then TRUST Him through the process. Do all things for the glory of God. Build your faith.
I don't really know exactly how it will all go down. I have to be honest with you about that. This is why you don't wait until the SHTF before you start thinking and praying about these things. Build your faith, discernment, and peace of mind before the SHTF.
I also know that it's a very real possibility that this (all of this...everything that's happening) is a controlled demolition of our country (maybe even the world?) to introduce a new system of governing the world as a whole.
One in which a figure may come in and "save us" from this madness.
Be vigilant on that front, too. It's a mess and discernment is a must.
"If/when things might be very bad, beware of the clean up crew." -my friend Heather
There are many unknowns. It's at that point I place my trust in God. But I know not everyone is at that point in their spiritual walk. So this is difficult! I know! It's difficult for me to think about, too.
If you are out there and know something is not right, you are not alone! There are many of us! Something in some of your spirits out there has got to know something isn't right.
If you have gotten this far, here are links to TONS of information I've put together. It will take days to really read and digest. Time is short.
This is my hail mary pass 🖤
Here are the links:
(I will show you step by step how to look at the VAERS data yourself)
(Get comfortable for this one. There a lot to see)
(This is applicable!)
(Very controversial. Take it to the Lord in prayer and bust out your Bible.)
(The plan to divide us and pit us against one another is unleashed)
(Mental, spiritual, and physical tips for wellness)
Much in these links is controversial. And for that, please see my homepage for disclaimers!
I'm learning right along with you guys.
I don't know it all. None of us do. Not even the experts.
You can tell that because they backpaddle so much it can make your head spin.
Doublespeak (from them) leads to doublethink (by us).
"I am the man who euthanized people with COVID19 Protocols. I quit." (Remdesivir)
A NURSE'S TESTIMONY - A must watch. Could save a life.
This video sounds like what SO MANY people went through in the hospital. It's tough to listen to if you have lost someone, I do need to warn you of that. It was tough for me to listen to because everything sounded eerily familiar.
15th September, 2021 - This is Albert Spence, a 31-year pulmonary nurse veteran, now no longer working as a practicing nurse due in large part to the changes in the hospitals' Covid policy. It is chilling to watch how Albert Spence came to realize that he was aiding and abetting the demise of patients under his care, due to the change in Covid policy - specifically the PCR Test.
What he says about the PCR Test may be a little confusing, so please see the 2 minute video (below this video) on how important the cycle threshold has been throughout this whole ordeal.
It's WAY past time the protocols be questioned.
Original Source :
Follow up video to watch (two minutes long) on cycle thresholds as mentioned by Albert Spence. This is an important point, folks!
Lastly, if you get sick and trust your doctor, then by all means, take care of your family how you see fit. There are some great docs out there 🖤
Biodigital Convergence Link - Great information shared by Sabrina Wallace. She also provides so many links and articles within her videos.
No. Your ears aren't deceiving you. This was actually said. And we warned and warned. I'm sorry if you've already partaken in this experiment. Ask God to help you further discern from this point on! A corrupt government (whether it's red or blue) does not care about you and me.
AND NOW MONKEY POX. I'm just going to leave this here and be done. Because I am tired! I have warned. I don't know what to say anymore.
Download document to see the table top exercise from March 2021. This is exactly what they did with Event 201 right before COVID. I pray they don't stretch this out like COVID.
But here's your head's up if they do.
Link to the document and to see page 10 better:
If the link no longer works, email me or comment below and I'll get it to you. I used to manage a lab. I did for 6 years. I say that because I want you to know that just because someone…
I think most can’t fathom the corruption, it’s beyond comprehension - understandably so. This is something you may want to read through if you or your loved ones took the abomination. This is information many of us have been trying to share with friends and family and been getting gas lit, banned from social media, buried in the algorithm...
I have sources I've shared on here already (it got ignored) that they knew about much of this even in 2020 (On paper that is. Dare I say they knew way before that?)
Bill Gates is already geared up for the "next one" (his words). Please start reading and watching some things that your "fringe" friends are sharing and take it…
Patent US-2020279585-A1
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓/𝟏𝟎/𝟏𝟑 (Pay attention to that date)