Robert Malone is not our friend. None of them are. No man is coming to "save us". They all want to inject us with crap. Track us. Trace us. Chew the meat and spit out the bones with ANY information.
Trust God, not man. ************************************ Information shared by my friend Alex Shipp:


Mass Formation Psychosis, Dr Robert Malone Sells WHO/Gates Test & Treat Next Phase Covid Plan So…
Robert Malone promoting his RelCovaxTM Second Generation Multivalent Vaccine agin SarsCoV2…
To assist Vaccination against CoVAids in Third World and Developing Nations…
Developed in conjunction with Reliance Life Sciences in India…
He is fighting again the fn Agenda alright…
Might do a person well to learn what…
“Digital Nudging”
And the Disinformation Space…
Means this Year…
But what the bleep do I know…
Believe anything you want…
Or believe nothing at all…
Matters fn not to Me really…
Have fun with that bs…!!!
This is just a small portion of the picture
The bigger picture is him being involved in Digital Colonialism…
Getting poor South American and African kids on the Blockchain…
Through Biometric Identities…
For Data Harvesting purposes…
The Virtual and Augmented Spaces aren’t going to code themselves…
#MassFormationPsychosis ?? It can go both ways. Herd/Hive mind.

What a world. Double speak from them causes double think for us.
Unless you aren't looking to any mere man as your savior! If it goes viral all of a sudden, it's RARELY by accident.
Truthers getting put under their own form of mass formation psychosis.